PCOD/PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment

PCOD best ayurvedic docter in greater noida. Pcod is a syndrome manifested by obesity, amenorrhea, hirsutism, enlarge ovaries. At Shanti ayurveda clinic Dr. Neelam Tomar ayurvedic doctor give best ayurvedic treatment for Pcod/Pcos.

Ayurvedic doctor treat Pcod and Infertility by Ayurvedic herbs,panchkarma and with the help of utterbasti. At shanti ayurveda clinic we give you high success rate because ayurvedic doctor treat the root cause of Pcod and Infertility.

What is PCOD, Cause, symptoms, and Treatment? - Infinity Care Hospital

What is PCOD/PCOS?

Polycystic ovarion disease/Syndrome is most common condition that affecting the ovulation due to hormonal irregularity and cause infertility. In Pcod women presence of 12 or more cyst found in ovary 2-9mm size with enlarge ovary.

Female usually suffer menstrual irregularities such as amenorrhea,oligomenorrhea, Acne,excessive unwanted hair growth,Obesity,hair loss,depression and infertility.Infertility cause due to anovulation. In Pcod ,female unable to release the egg that mean she does not ovulating, In the absence of egg female suffer the infertility.

Cause of PCOD/PCOS

The exact cause of Polycystic ovarion disease is unknown.The basic pathology in Pcod excessive androgen production by ovary.

Cause of PCOD According to Ayurveda

In ayurveda Pcod caused by vata-kapha dosha imbalance in body. Before the ayurvedic treatment of pcod patient very importent to know the condition of doshas.

Clinical Features of PCOD/PCOS

1. Obesity- Most of the patient of PCOD are obese. In Obese female increase the risk for PCOS.
2. Insulin resistance- increase level of insulin in body cause hyperpigmented velvety patches of skin in neck,axilla,below breast or in thigh called acanthosis nigricans. Hyperinsulinemia cause elevate the serum testosterone and androstenedione in Pcod patient.
3. Hirsutism- Excessive unwanted hair growth on face and back due to increase level of testosterone in pcod patient.
4. Acne
5. Hair fall or thinning of hair
6. Menstrual irregularity- Amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea
7. Infertility- Due to anovulatory cycle
8. Depression and mood swings

Diagnosis of PCOD

1. Blood Investigation- increase serum testosterone, serum LH, serum Insuline, serum prolactin,serum estrone and Decrease Follicle stimulating hormone,serum progesterone.
2. Ultrasonography- In USG report found ovarion cyst and enlarged ovary.

PCOD Ayurvedic Treatment

Dr. Neelam Tomar one of the best ayurveda gynaecologist doctor in greater noida. At shanti ayurveda clinic she treat the Pcod by ayurvedic medicine without and hormonal support and cure pcod related infertility. Best Ayurvedic treatment for Pcod panchkarma and ayurvedic drugs improve fertility in pcos patient.

Dr. Neelam Tomar ayurvedic doctor fertility specialist providing panchkarma therapy such as Nirhubasti, Anuvasan basti, Shirodhara, Utterbasti, Nasya in Pcod patient. After sodhana treatmant Pcod patient conceived with in short period of ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurvedic Drugs Such as Kanchanar guggul, Tripahala, Gudduchi, Shatavri, Bala increase the chances of ovulation and pregnancy. At Shanti ayurveda clinic gives you complete solution for pcod induced infertility by ayurveda treatment.

Patient Testimonials

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I am very satisfied with the treatment. Dr Ashok Tomar is very humble. I visited this clinic for Fistula treatment, which I was suffering from for the last 6 years. I came here in April 22 and now I am completely healed. Thanks to Dr Tomar and all staff members.

Ranjeet Tiwari

It was an satisfactory experience with Dr. Ashok Tomar treatment. Although it took some time still the treatment is absolutely fine . I’m much relaxed now. the staff at clinic is also great supporting and caring. Thanks to doctor Ashok Tomar and special thanks to the staff.

Manish Mazumdar

I was suffering from piles for a really long time and I had tried everything to get rid of this. I was feeling really helpless after taking treatment from Dr Ashok Tomar. I feel a lot better now and my bowel movement has become smooth.


I had tried for about two years to conceive with my husband without success. After seeing Dr. Ashok I conceived just after 3 months.

Kanchan Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

One can hardly doubt Dr. SK Singh's brilliance in his field. He is super experienced and highly skilled. My treatment, though long, was completely successful. Thats is the most important thing. The treatment might feel a little over the top if you are on a budget. There is certainly improvement needed at the staff level- especially at the billing and appointment counter. All in all if you have a (such) problem, Dr. Tomar has the treatment.


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